My Winter Clothing and Safety Tips for International Students in Canada

Snowstorm at light rail transit station in Kitchener

When winter weather arrives, I’m blunt with my international students who are new to Canada: Stay warm, don’t drown.

Almost all of my students at Conestoga College in Kitchener, Ontario, are from much warmer climates and have rarely seen snow. They usually ask about how to buy their first winter coats and boots.

I also take time in class for what may be life saving conversations with them about cold weather and dangers of walking on ice over rivers, ponds and lakes.

I worked 30 years as a newspaper reporter before starting teaching journalism, then business communication and leadership courses.

I’ve written far too many winter stories about people dying from the cold and ice-covered water.

I don’t want any of my students to become another grim news story.

Here’s the annoucement I shared today with my students. It recaps what what talked about, including links to information.

You have my permission to copy and share it with your students, too. (The “Hello {first name}” string generates the student’s first name in the D2L learning management system we use to communicate with students).

Winter Clothing and Safety Tips

Hello {firstname}:

With below-freezing temperatures, wind and snow in the weather forecast for the Kitchener area for last weekend in November, I’m not surprised students were asking me about winter clothing in class this week.  

Stay warm and dry

The goal for winter clothing is to keep you dry and protected from the wind.  Wind chill is a term you will hear in weather forecasts when the outside temperature is at zero Celsius, or below.  It means the harder the wind blows, the colder the air feels – and the more dangerous the cold is.

If you’re looking for a winter coat, expect to pay $100 to $200 for an effective, wind- and water resistant coat. I recommend looking for function over fashion: how well it fits and keeps you warm, not how cool you look.

I encourage you to get a coat with an integral hood, which tightly snugs around your face and neck. 

Also, I’ve always liked coats that extend below my waist, to the top part of my thighs.  That covers my backside and helps keeps cold wind from blowing up my back when I am are outside waiting for the bus on a day like in the photo at the top of this announcement, in January 2024 at the Block Line LRT station.

My shopping tips

Marks Work Warehouse is a good place to look for outerwear. I see this Columbia brand mens winter jacket on a Black Friday sale today.  This parka jacket also looks good, would likely be a bit warmer, but more bulky. 

Insider Tip:  Canadian Tire owns Marks Work Warehouse.  Sometimes, Canadian Tire (an automotive, tools and home equipment kind of store) also sells a smaller range of winter clothing that’s on deep discount. Like this parka for $80 for Black Friday.

Peavey Mart offers more rugged outdoor clothing, generally for construction and farm workers outdoors all day in cold weather.

Marks, Canadian Tire and Peavey sell winter boots.  I’ve also had good success shopping for winter footwear at Factory Shoe in Kitchener.

Always think about good treads on your winter boots, to minimize your chance of a nasty fall.  And I like boots that cover at least the top of my ankle, to keep my feet dry.

Running shoes are not a good choice to walk in the snow.

Winter Danger: Cold

Cold winter weather can injure you, with frostbite damaging your fingers, toes or ears. Or you might break a wrist or ankle when you slip while walking cross an icy sidewalk or driveway.

Hypothermia is a dangerous health condition caused by your body getting too cold.  It can kill you, if you don’t respond quickly to the symptoms. Here are seven tips for cold weather safety.

Winter Danger: Thin Ice

Do not trust the ice covering rivers, creeks or ponds to be strong enough to carry your weight  – especially if temperatures are near zero degrees Celsius. 

Breaking through ice into near-freezing water will cause rapid hypothermia and incapacitate you, if you don’t drown first. It is extremely difficult to climb out of cold water without help.

Call 911 immediately if you see someone go through ice.  Don’t go out on the ice yourself to get them: you will likely end up in the water, too.

Here’s what you can do while waiting for emergency help to arrive.

Local firefighters are trained and equipped for the ice rescues, wearing waterproof suits that float, ropes and boats. This video shows firefighters training at night for ice rescues.

See you in class.


Scared of public speaking? Build in-demand career skills at Toastmasters

Toastmasters helps build personal communcations kills businesses value.
Toastmasters International helps you build personal communications skills businesses value. Photo: Toastmasters International

My experience as a member of Toastmasters International helped me pass a teaching test to successfully earn my first contract as a business communications instructor at Conestoga College in 2020.

In every semester I have instructed since then, in person or online, I mention my membership in the Cambridge Toastmasters Club. I, particular, I suggest my international students investigate Toastmasters to build communication and leadership skills in a new culture.

Effective communication is the top skill employers look for in 2024, according to LinkedIn.

Toastmasters International was founded in 1924 at YCMA in Santa Clara, California. Today, it has more than 270,000 members, in 150 countries, in more than 14,000 local clubs around the world.

Cambridge Toastmasters was founded 50 years ago and meets Thursdays at 7 p.m. Members range from senior business leaders to entrepreneurs to recent college graduates practicing their communications skills and receiving feedback in a supportive environment.

Toastmasters offers members opportunities to build personal confidence and leadership skills through practicing public speaking. This link shares information about Toastmasters programs.

There’s also a Toastmasters International YouTube channel with self-help videos you can learn from and share at no charge.

If you’re scared of public speaking or worried your communication skills aren’t as strong as you like, I encourage you to visit a Toastmasters Club to see what they offer.

Find a club near you with this online tool.

There are dues to join a local Toastmasters club, which vary depending on factors such as meeting frequency and location meeting costs.

Paper Business Cards Remain in My Networking Tool Kit

I’m a fan of business cards as networking and job search tools.

And I know that sounds weird in a digital world, where people might just say: “Look me up on LinkedIn!”

I always try to remember to carry business cards with me so that I may efficiently share my contact information with someone – if they ask for it. 

(Here’s my LinkedIn profile, in case you’re not interested in my business card:

Again this week in class at Conestoga College, I told my 20-something-year-old students about the value I give to simple paper business cards in a digital world. They’re graduating at the end of this semester and will be looking for work. I encourage them to add business cards to their job-search tool kit.

And since the class was about Starting a Consulting Practice, talking about business cards was even more appropriate in a world of personal business branding. In mind, it’s showing you’re ready to connect with potential clients.

I adopt the outlook that you never know who you might meet today, who might be the connection to the job you are looking for. My ritual of placing business cards in my pocket at the start of the day primes me to be ready and open to opportunities.

You can order 100 business cards for $5 at Walmart, I tell my students. That’s about the price of two basic coffees at Starbucks, after you add the HST.

I suggest students pick a simple design that’s easy to read. And put their name and essential information on one side. That way, if someone wants to take a photo of your contact info, it’s easier.

In a digital world, I think paper business cards remain a good addition to anyone’s job-hunting and networking kit.

What do you think?

Cambridge Fall Fair an easy bus ride for Conestoga College students

The Cambridge Fall Fair runs in Dickson Park, Cambridge, on the second weekend of September.

Updated Sept. 7, 2024

I teach international students business communication at Conestoga College and regularly hear questions about what events and festivals happen in the Cambridge-Kitchener-Waterloo area.

Fall fairs are events I always mention in September. They usually include demolition derbies, animal displays, a midway, and live entertainment. And lots of food.

The easiest fall fair for Conestoga students to reach without a car is the Cambridge Fall Fair, Thurs., Sept. 5 through Sun., Sept. 8, 2024, at Dickson Park in Cambridge.

Dickson Park is on the Grand River Transit bus Route 57, which runs between the Doon and Cambridge Campuses of Conestoga College, and the Ainslie Street GRT bus terminal at 35 Ainslie St. in Downtown Cambridge.

Thursdays and Sundays offer free admission, but there is always a charge to take midway rides. Admission is $10 at the entry gates on Friday and $15 on Saturday when most events are scheduled.

Route 57 buses run Monday through Saturday, morning, afternoon, and evening.

On Sunday, you’ll have to take a bus to the Ainslie Street terminal and then walk about 10 minutes to Dickson Park through the old Galt Downtown area. (If you’re heading to the fair in Cambridge on Sunday from Kitchener or Waterloo, your probably best to take the Route 302 or Route 206 express buses to the Ainslie Terminal).

There are other fairs in the Waterloo Region area, but they’re not easy to reach by public transit. Here’s a link to all the fall fair dates in Ontario.

The Wellesley Township Fair runs on Sept. 10 and 11, 2024, at the Wellesley Recreation Complex Centre, 1401 Queen’s Bush Road, Wellesley. That’s a 20-minute car drive northwest of Waterloo.

The New Hamburg Fall Fair runs Sept. 12-15, 2024 at 251 Jacob St. in New Hamburg Fairgrounds, west of Kitchener. To reach that location by public transit from Kitchener or Waterloo, you can take the GRT Route 77, but only on weekdays mornings or afternoons. That doesn’t work well to visit the fair in the evening.

How to freeze a row in an Excel spreadsheet – again

I’m a grudging user of Excel spreadsheets.

I don’t seem to use them enough in my day-to-day projects in communications consulting and teaching to keep all the tips and magical shortcuts at the top of my mind.

Today, I – again – forgot how to freeze the top row of an Excel sheet while organizing class attendance data. It was for the Creating a Consulting Practice course I teach in the Cloud Data Management program at Conestoga College.

Yes, I appreciate the fact I forget to do things with Microsoft Software in a program that is based entirely on Microsoft Software. This might be part of my challenge: I use a Mac.

Frozen out

This how-to page from the University of Sussex came to my rescue, with succinct advice to freeze a row. The top row is now locked in place where I can see it.

Now, back to sorting attendance data…