How to freeze a row in an Excel spreadsheet – again

I’m a grudging user of Excel spreadsheets.

I don’t seem to use them enough in my day-to-day projects in communications consulting and teaching to keep all the tips and magical shortcuts at the top of my mind.

Today, I – again – forgot how to freeze the top row of an Excel sheet while organizing class attendance data. It was for the Creating a Consulting Practice course I teach in the Cloud Data Management program at Conestoga College.

Yes, I appreciate the fact I forget to do things with Microsoft Software in a program that is based entirely on Microsoft Software. This might be part of my challenge: I use a Mac.

Frozen out

This how-to page from the University of Sussex came to my rescue, with succinct advice to freeze a row. The top row is now locked in place where I can see it.

Now, back to sorting attendance data…