I just call it Strunk and White, but the book’s proper name is The Elements of Style.
There’s no better writing guide I’ve seen for preparing stories, speeches, news releases or pretty well any English-language business or personal communication. After 40 years of writing for money as a freelancer, newspaper journalist, editor, teacher and communications consultant, it remains a go-to reference. It offers me essential advice as I continue learning and practicing my craft.
The 95-page book is a century old and still offers rock-solid advice to be heard and understood in a noisy digital world. Write with active verbs. Use simple words where possible. Put short, direct sentences to work.
I’ll warn you: writing shorter takes longer. Creating effective written communication is hard work. There’s no app for that — yet.
There is, however, an Elements of Style rap music video.
Here’s a link to the original The Elements of Style, by William Strunk, as a no-charge ebook offered by Project Gutenberg: www.gutenberg.org/files/37134/37134-h/37134-h.htm
An updated, paperback version remains in print and a copy belongs on your reference shelf. For any writer, I suggest it’s the best $9.10 (CAN) you can spend on Amazon today:
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